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Action Plan - Training Calendar 2022-23 Action_Plan.pdf
Action Plan Action_Plan.pdf
Guidelines for Pre-Matric Scholarship (class VI-VIII) Guidelines.pdf
Revised Guidelines of Pradhan Mantri Aadi Adarsh Gram Yojana Revised_G.pdf
Scheme Guidelines of VDVKs Scheme.pdf
Guidelines of the Article 275(1) Guidelines_0 (1).pdf
Guidelines of MSP for MFP, MoTA, GoI Guidelines_1.pdf
Guidelines of EMRS (November 2020) Guidelines_2.pdf
Grading Instruction of SHG VO CLF on monthly quarterly and annual basis Grading Instrucction of SHG VO CLF on monthly quarterly and annual basis.pdf
Advaisory on SHG federation Meeting Advaisory on SHG federation Meeting.pdf
Modules of CLF formation Modules of CLF formation.pdf
Memorandum on CLF financial plan Memorandum on CLF financial plan.pdf